Home Health Aide

Home Health Care Located in Boca Raton, FL, serving Palm Beach County

Home Health Aide

A home health aide can provide you or a loved one with a range of services, both medical and non-medical, in the familiar setting of your own home. Hands of Hope in Boca Raton, Florida, can connect you with a home health aide to ensure your health and well-being are in capable hands. To find out more about the process, reach out to the office or get in touch with Hands of Hope online today.

What is a home health aide?

A home health aide (HHA) assists people with chronic illnesses or disabilities with the daily necessities of life. If you have been struggling to take care of yourself or someone close to you, an HHA can make the difference between sacrificing quality of life and being able to significantly improve it.

What can a home health aide help with?

Your Hands of Hope Home HHA can assist with:


It can be embarrassing to ask a family member for help with small grooming tasks like shaving, cutting nails, or practicing good oral hygiene, and some struggling individuals may prefer to forgo them instead. An HHA can provide practical help in a compassionate manner, enabling patients to feel more like themselves again.


Even more than basic grooming, hygiene can be a difficult issue for vulnerable people. Bathing and daily hygiene tasks are always important but can be especially vital in cases where an injury or illness are present.

It’s crucial to overall health and wellness to bathe and use the restroom, and an HHA helps you do so safely and consistently.

Meal preparation

Your HHA can also aid in preparing meals, especially in circumstances where specific nutrition needs require a customized dietary plan. Meal preparation helps remove all the guesswork and makes food adjustments much easier.

Light housekeeping

Environment plays a major role in health, so your HHA can keep your space tidy for your safety as well as doing some laundry or cleaning as needed.

Companionship and emotional support

An important aspect of nonmedical care is the very human need for connection and cognitive stimulation. An HHA can keep you engaged and provide variety for your day-to-day.

If you need more specialized medical care, such as checking your vitals or changing wound dressings, Hands of Hope offers certified nursing assistant (CNA) services.

How do I qualify for a home health aide?

Medicaid recipients qualify if they are under a physician’s care and the provider prescribes home health services, particularly for a condition or disability that significantly impacts daily living.

Hands of Hope can guide your next step. The team aims to provide personalized care for each client, so reach out by phone or online.